Back to Business: SMB Lending in 2024

PANEL: Join us as we look at what small business lending looks like in 2024, and how the pandemic and rising rates have forced lenders to adapt their business models. Through expert insights shared during the panel discussion, participants can gain valuable knowledge about the future trajectory of small business lending and the pivotal role […]

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Mortgage is Dead. Long live Mortgage!

PANEL: With record-high amortizations and changing needs of the homeowner, the mortgage industry faces mounting pressure to innovate and deliver creative solutions to borrowers. Traditional credit providers and alternative lenders bring distinct approaches to the table. In this dynamic panel discussion, we bring these two worlds together to explore how they are shaping the future […]

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Fintech’s Drive: Revolutionizing Auto Finance

PANEL: Hear how fintech is transforming the auto and equipment finance experience – from buyer to dealer to lender. Understand the role that data plays in accelerating originations as well as derisking the underwriting and verification process. This panel brings together Canadian auto credit and technology lenders for a deep dive into the automotive and […]

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ROE in Consumer Lending

PANEL: Two CEOs discuss how to best service the needs of consumers across the credit spectrum. How do we make sure that Canadians have open access to credit. What is the impact of the rising cost of capital. How do you calculate risk. What is required Return on Equity (ROE) for a lender? 

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Data Powering Innovation

KEYNOTE: This leadership keynote explores the broader implications of data accessibility, such as enhanced financial inclusion, democratized access to financial services, and improved decision-making for individuals and businesses. Understand why access to financial data is considered the lifeblood of innovation in the modern financial landscape in Canada.

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