Banks in Transition

Mini-Keynote: Join Meigan Terry, Senior Vice President and Chief Sustainability, Social Impact, and Communications Officer at Scotiabank, as she shares valuable insights drawn from the bank’s global experience operating under various regulatory frameworks. In this keynote session, Meigan will explore the challenges and opportunities encountered across different markets, highlighting key lessons that can be applied […]

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Carrots and Sticks: Incentivizing Green

Panel Main Theatre: Over the past several years, the Canadian federal government has introduced a series of investment tax credits (ITCs) aimed at transitioning Canada to a clean economy. With four of these ITCs now enacted, this panel will explore how they are influencing investment strategies and driving progress toward Canada’s sustainability objectives. The discussion […]

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Our Net Zero Scorecard: Ground Zero?

Panel Main Theatre: This panel examines Canada’s journey toward net-zero emissions by 2050, spotlighting the critical role of financial institutions. Experts will discuss how they are integrating climate goals into their strategies, driving sustainable finance, climate engagement strategies and overcoming challenges. Learn how the financial sector is shaping Canada’s low-carbon future and aligning with national […]

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Setting the Stage

10 mins to set the stage for this amazing day. What are the outputs for the summit? How can we advance the room business and strategic goals? All panels and workshops will be filmed with A|B cameras and distributed to attendees.

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IFRS: Brief on Sustainability Disclosures

Mini-Keynote: Michael Jantzi, is member of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), working to empower capital market participants with the right information to support better economic and investment decision-making. Michael discusses how adopting sustainability disclosures can power transparent and resilient markets.

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Capital as Catalyst: De-risking & Upscaling Local Initiatives

Workshop B:  This workshop dives into the need, opportunities, and stories of strategic partnerships between local governments and private investors in tackling climate change and other sustainability challenges. Hear from private/public partnerships and discover how local governments and private organizations can help safeguard communities of all sizes for the future. Learn how FCM sets projects up […]

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VCM: Quality of Credits & Goals of Purchasers

Panel Main Theatre: Voluntary Carbon Markets: Scaling to Accelerate Global Decarbonization VCMs are an important tool to offset hard to abate emissions, and to channel funding to vitally needed carbon removal and reduction projects. The VCM must grown significantly from its current $2 billion in order to have a meaningful impact on the climate. This […]

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Next-Gen Credit Risk Assessment & Risk Management

Workshop B: With thought-leaders joining us from Canada, Europe and US, we explore the dynamic evolution of credit risk assessment processes in this interactive workshop. Understand the power of integrating ESG ratings to enhance risk management strategies, while also delving into the intersection between ESG, financial crime, KYC, and compliance. Learn how next-gen tools and […]

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