Climate Stress Testing

WORKSHOP: This workshop explores risk assessment and data analysis: Participants work together to create plausible and relevant climate change scenarios, taking into account factors such as temperature rise, sea-level rise, extreme weather events, and other relevant variables. The identified scenarios are used to assess potential risks, vulnerabilities, and potential impacts on various aspects, such as […]

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Regulatory Brief & Discussion

WORKSHOP: Gain insights into the existing sustainable finance regulations in Canada, including policies aimed at promoting ESG. Examine the trajectory of sustainable finance regulation in Canada and its alignment with international agreements and goals. Understand the tangible effects of sustainable finance regulations on financial markets, asset management, and institutional investors, and explore potential avenues for […]

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Accelerating Data Analysis Across Sectors

WORKSHOP: Gain invaluable insights into how data analysis is shaping sustainable finance strategies, aiding investors, financial institutions, and businesses in aligning their initiatives with ESG goals and principles. Explore the evolving landscape of ESG data availability, quality, and integration into investment decision-making processes. Understand the challenges and opportunities in harmonizing ESG metrics across sectors. Walk […]

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Sustainable Investing: The Quant Quandary

WORKSHOP: A deep dive into sustainable investment. Not for the faint hearted investor? That is changing. How can predictive software help corporations reduce the waste they produce from manufacturing, forecast the energy they produce from sustainable sources, and enable greener finance for the socially responsible trader? How do you navigate risk and incorporate stress testing […]

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Technology Solution Deep Dive

WORKSHOP: In this dynamic and engaging session, we will present cutting-edge solutions designed to empower banks and fintechs to swiftly and effectively tackle sustainability challenges. Our workshop is focused on real-world case studies and outcome-driven learning, ensuring you gain practical knowledge with a clear focus on ROI. Use the Sustainable Finance Summit App to sign […]

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