Merchant Advance
Mark Lehman, Executive Director, Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada, Government of Canada congratulates innovative lenders nominees and the Innovative Lender of the Year 2018.
Vice-Chair Insights & Conclusion
PANEL: Seeking Capital on the Global Stage
A discussion involving actual war stories on arranging capital for Canadian alternative lenders. Romit Malhotra, board member of the Canadian Lenders Association, moderates a panel of lenders and global institutional funders. The panel will offer key insights into the process of arranging capital for non-traditional lenders from world-class capital providers. Romit will provide first-hand insights […]
PANEL: The Great Data Debate
Incumbent data verses new data: how do we work toward an open data economy? Kirsten Thompson, who was recently appointed by Minister of Finance Bill Morneau to the Government of Canada’s newly-created Advisory Committee on Open Banking, moderates the debate.
KEYNOTE & PANEL: Capturing the Consumer
Mini Keynote by Snap Chat on innovative strategies to drive engagement via social media. Joe Strolz sits down with principals from PayBright, Paays, Refresh and Borrowell to discuss lessons learned in the market: tips, insights and war stories.
AWARDS: Innovation Announcements & Award Presentation
Amar Ahluwalia, VP Partnerships & Capital Markets, OnDeck Capital sets the stage with a mini-keynote on the role of innovation in lending. Sue Britton, head of the award selection committee and Shafiq Vallani from RBC Ventures congratulate the 10 finalists and announces the winner of the Innovative Lenders Award for 2018. Innovative Lender of the Year Award […]