ROUNDTABLE 2: Legal Deep-Dive

Choose between one of the following sessions with Ana Badour from McCarthy and Elizabeth Sales from Blakes. Both explore regulation, the changing landscape of the law and the impact of new technology: Choose between one of the following topics: ROUNDTABLE A: Regulation, the changing landscape of the law for lenders ROUNDTABLE B: Technology, the changing […]

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Have lunch with colleagues in the main hall. Alongside the networking luncheon, there will be optional interactive lunch session. PayNet and CLA have partnered to build a Suspicious Activity Database to allow lenders to better manage decisioning. Join PayNet in a Finding Suspicious Activity Workshop. 

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KEYNOTE & PANEL: The ROI in Lending AI

Mini Keynote by Google on the “ROI in AI” Panel: Frank Currie, Head of Customer Engineering for Financial Services joins Norm Cappell from Savvyy, Nick Seelert from Senso.AI and Edwin Fong Vice President, Financial Services Salesforce to discuss “Beyond the hype: how lenders can drive ROI?”  The panel is moderated by Carole Piovesan, Lead in Artificial Intelligence […]

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KEYNOTE: A Voice from the Future

The opening keynote by Mark Ruddock will set the stage for the day. Mark has over 20 years experience building mobile-first, customer focused businesses. Mark was CEO of 4Finance which has 3500 employees across 17 countries, generating $500MM. Bringing a wealth of experience, Mark will talk about lessons and challenges in innovative lending space in Europe, Latin […]

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